A nation that disrespects its past does not deserve the respect of the present and has no right to a future.
(Józef Piłsudski)
The holdings of the state archives are unique witnesses, or rather, testimonies of over a thousand-year history kept in the repositories. The 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences is a notable opportunity to familiarize the public with the original documents, in addition to the copies presented at the open-air exhibition. For the duration of the Congress, another version of the exhibition “History in Document” was prepared in the lobby of the State Archives in Poznań. This is an extraordinary event, as it is rare that originals, the storage of which is subject to special procedures, can be admired by the public directly.
The exhibition opens with the following items inscribed on the World and Polish National Register of the UNESCO “Memory of the World” Programme: Zbylut’s foundation act of the monastery in Lękno from 1153 (inscribed in 2016); Elizabeth Bitowska’s foundation of the hospital for the poor in Trzebnica from 1565 (the entire set of Czech Brethren Acts entered in 2015); and daily orders of the General Command of the Polish Armed Forces signed by Major Stanislaw Taczak, the first commander and commander-in-chief of the Wielkopolska Uprising, and his successor, General Józef Dowbor-Muśnicki, dated 1919 (entry in 2018).
A document of Przemysł II, dated 1292, opens the “History in Document” exhibition proper. Among others, one can admire relics signed by Polish princes and kings: Boleslaw the Pious, Casimir Jagiellon, Alexander Jagiellon, Sigismund the Old, Jan III Sobieski, Stanisław Leszczyński, Augustus II the Strong, Augustus III of the Wettin family, Stanisław August Poniatowski and popes Gregory IX and Innocent X. The exhibition is supplemented by documents issued by magnates: authorizing various transactions, granting privileges to cities, statutes to guilds or shooting fraternities. A certificate of morality and employment from 1796 and a certificate of apprenticeship from 1831 result from the work of guild chancelleries.
The exhibition ends with two exhibits that deserve to be highlighted, both because of their content and attractive form, e.g. a rare Masonic piece in the collection which is a certificate issued to General Antoni Amilkar Kosiński on his membership in a Masonic lodge from 1813, as well as a unique 1880 confirmation issued to a Jagiellonian University Professor Edward Korczyński of his acceptance into the state of knighthood by the Emperor Franz Joseph I.
What makes the exhibition even more appealing are 45 seal dies presented according to the following division: royal, noble, official, church, municipal, rural and guild seals. The main highlight, i.e. the “senior” of the exhibition, is undeniably the seal die of Poznań from the first half of the 14th century, made of brass and gold.
Documents (click to expand)
State Archives in Poznań, Cistercian Abbey in Łekno, no. 53/1456/0/-/1
Zbylut Pałuka, a Polish citizen (Polonie civis) establishes a Cistercian Abbey in Łękno n. Wągrowiec, within the limits of his inherited estate, and grants to its upkeep a part of his free patrimony, namely the villages of: Rgielsko with the lake, Straszewo and Panigrodz, and the inn in Łekno. The foundation, in the presence of Duke Mieszko III the Elder of Wielkopolska and other witnesses: Chancellor Radwan, Custodian Wilhelm, masters Folbert and Stefan, as well as the knight commanders: Streson, Pakosław, Przedwoj, Brodzisław, Dzierżykraj, Dobrogost, Jan, Gerward, Bogusz, Mieszko Pomorski, Przecław, and Tomasz, is confirmed by Archbishop Jan of Gniezno, who secures it with the impression of his seal and additionally, along with Bishop Stefan of Poznań, strengthens it with an anathema.
parchment, 395 × 580 mm, Latin, seal of Archbishop Jan of Gniezno attached to the parchment
In 2016 the document entered on the National Register of the UNESCO “Memory of the World” Programme.

State Archives in Poznań, Documents of the Czech Brethren, no. 53/892/0/1.1/17
Elżbieta Bitowska of Lichtenburk and landlady of Trzebica bought off a house next to the prayer house on the outskirts of Trzebica as a hospital for the community of brethren (Waldensians and Pickards)
6 January 1565, Trzebica
parchment, 435 × 257 + 25, Czech, 6 well-preserved seals on parchment strips; a strip of the 7th seal
Set no. 892 Documents of the Czech Brethren was in 2015 entered on the World List of the UNESCO Memory of the World programme
The State Archives in Poznań, Documents and Church Records, no. 53/905/0/-/1
Przemysł II, Duke of Wielkopolska, grants to Bishop Jan Herbut of Poznań and Poznań Cathedral Chapter the ducal village of Stęszewko (“Stosewo”) and part of the village of Młodasko (“Młoda”), with all the rights, benefits and liberties that other villages of Poznań Cathedral Church enjoy, and he gives the village of Krosno, located on the Mosina River, obtained from the bishop as a result of this exchange, with the same rights, with the approval of the Bishop and Poznań Chapter, to Mikołaj [Przedpełkowic], Voivod of Kalisz, as a hereditary possession.
28 October 1292, Poznań
parchment, 374 x 225 + 27 mm, Latin, no seal, purple silk threads left where the seal was affixed
State Archives in Poznań, Documents and Church Records no. 53/905/0/-/18
Innocent X, Pope, confirms to Florian Kazimierz Czartoryski, Bishop of Poznań, the scope of his authority to appoint canons to the Collegiate Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Poznań and parish churches, and restates the scope of their clerical authority.
28 August 1652, Rome
parchment, 370 x 206 + 46 mm, Latin, no seal, incisions in the parchment left where the seal was affixed
State Archives in Poznań, Documents and Church Records no. 53/905/0/-/19
Stanisław Leszczyński, King of Poland, notifies Bishop Mikołaj Święcicki of Poznań that as the patron of the church in Wałcz he appointed [as parish priest there] Fr. Fryderyk Stanisław Lentz in place of deceased Fr. Jan Marczyński.
15 November 1706, Leszno
paper, 320 x 200 mm, Latin, royal seal impressed through paper
State Archives in Poznań, Cistercian Abbey in Bledzew, no. 53/1454/0/1/1
Gregory IX, Pope, declares to the Abbot of the monastery of Citeaux and to all the other Cistercian abbots that, prompted by their complaints that magistrates delegated by the Pope too often demand from them the application of excommunication even to their own founders or to the cities with which they are doomed to cohabit, he has decreed that none of these magistrates, without papal authority or legate a latere, may not demand this of the priors or subpriors.
3 May 1234, Lateran
parchment, 322 x 241 – 254 mm, Latin, bulla on red and yellow threads
State Archives in Poznań, Cistercian Abbey in Bledzew, no. 53/1454/0/1/18
Boleslaw the Pious, Duke of Greater Poland, certifies that the comes brothers Eustachiusz and Wojcieszko have donated their domain called Zembercz to the Cistercian abbey in Dobroług with the intention of building a Cistercian monastery in this domain. The prince, on his part, agrees that the aforementioned abbey may establish German villages in this area under arbitrary law and that all jurisdiction may belong to it.
1 July 1260, Poznań
parchment, 172 – 179 x 288 + 22 – 28 mm, Latin, fragment of a seal on a red silk cord

State Archives in Poznań, Bniński, Opaliński, Śmigielski, Moszyński–Łodzia Families, no. 53/5836/0/-/6
Krzesław of Kurozwęki, Castellan of Wiślica, Starost General of Wielkopolska, certifies that noble Włodko (Władysław) of Danaborze, Starost of Nakielsk, standing before his court, sold his hereditary village of Wilkowyja in the district of Pyzdry and half of the village of Łuszczanów in the district of Kalisz for 500 Hungarian florins in the hope of reacquisition, i.e. as wederkoff to Piotr of Bnin, Castellan of Gniezno, and his successors.
14 August 1441, Poznań
parchment, 288 x 178 + 42 mm, Latin, no seal, parchment strips threaded through the incisions in the card left where the seal was affixed
State Archives in Poznań, Bniński, Opaliński, Śmigielski, Moszyński–Łodzia Families, no. 53/5836/0/-/30
Sigismund I the Old, King of Poland, restating that he had formerly allowed Stanisław Spinek of Będków, the present Starost of Lelów, to buy the castle and the royal town of Lelów together with the villages belonging to it from the hands of Natalia alias Nawojka of Koniecpol, widow of Maciej of Bnin, Voivod of Poznań, and that at this transaction, said Nawojka presented a document requesting 400 grzywnas of money in addition to other sums already paid to her by the said Spinek, informs that despite the presentation of the said document at the Sejm and the intercession of the Royal Council, said Nawojka was awarded only 150 grzywnas of Polish money, to be given to her by Stanisław Spinek and to be registered for him on the Lelów estate.
25 February 1525, Piotrków, in the Sejm
parchment, 565 x 308 + 100 mm, no seal, parchment strip threaded through the incision in the card left where the seal was affixed

State Archives in Poznań, Bniński, Opaliński, Śmigielski, Moszyński–Łodzia Families, no. 53/5836/0/-/36
Janusz Kościelecki, Voivod of Sieradz, Starost General of Wielkopolska and Nakielsk, certifies that brothers Kacper and Jerzy Śmigielski, appearing before Jan Krzesiński, Ensign of Bydgoszcz and Poznań town magistrate, resigned their own hereditary parts of the town of Śmigiel and villages belonging to this town, i.e. Koszonowo, Nietążków and Nowa Wieś, all settled, and Malusin, Malusinek, Skrobiszyn, Skrobiszynek and Unin, empty, located in the district of Kościań, in perpetuity to their brothers, Stanisław and Krzysztof Śmigielski, under hereditary law fulfilling the division of inherited estates recorded in the Opoczno Land Registry.
24 October 1555, Poznań
parchment, 300 x 147 + 31 mm, Latin, no seal, incisions in the parchment left where the seal was affixed
State Archives in Poznań, Dominican Priory in Poznań, no. 1464/0/1/31
Oliverius, Bishop of Sabinensis, Julianus, Bishop of Ostiensis, John, Bishop of Portuensis, Georgius, Bishop of Albanensis, Jerom … Bishop of Drenestensis, together with the other cardinals, accede to the request of Brother Andrzej Bochnia, General of the Dominicans in Poland, and to that of Dorota Andreska, and grant special indulgences to the faithful who visit the Rosary Chapel in the church of the Dominican friars in Poznań on the specific holidays of the Virgin Mary.
6 December 1493, Rome
Italian parchment, 870 x 450 – 460 mm, Latin, no seal
State Archives in Poznań, the Borchs (Livonian noble family), no. 53/5005/0/-/7
August III, King of Poland appeals to all clerical and secular leaders, military commanders, town administrators, town councillors, custom collectors, guardians of gates, bridges and roads and all his subjects to allow free and safe passage and to render all assistance to Jan Borch, Chamberlain of the Duchy of Livonia, the Polish King’s envoy to the Tsar’s court in Russia, on his way to the place of the talks and back to Warsaw.
12 January 1763, Warsaw
paper, 387 x 240 mm, Latin, minor Crown seal impressed through paper on red wax underlay
State Archives in Poznań, the Borchs (Livonian noble family), no. 53/5005/0/-/14
Stanisław August Poniatowski, King of Poland, summons Michał Borch, Lithuanian Provost, to take part in Parliamentary Assembly to be held on 21 August 1786 and to contribute to the election of the most suitable deputies to the forthcoming Ordinary General Sejm.
25 May 1786, Warsaw
paper, 240 x 375 mm, Polish, minor Lithuanian seal impressed through paper on wax underlay
State Archives in Poznań, the Borchs (Livonian noble family), no. 53/5005/0/-/19
Stanislaw August Poniatowski, king of Poland, gives Michał Borch, Vice-Chancellor of the Crown, Starost of Lucińsk, a conscription letter for the enlistment and command of the hussar banner (troops) of the Lithuanian army, vacant after the death of Michał Czartoryski, Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, and obliges him to take care of completing the rota as well as arming and training the soldiers.
11 October 1775, Warsaw
paper, 240 x 390 mm, Polish, minor Lithuanian seal impressed through paper on sealing wax underlay
State Archives in Poznań, Rafał Leszczyński (1650-1703; Starost General of Wielkopolska) no. 53/5139/0/-/1
Jan III [Sobieski], King of Poland … appoints Rafał Leszczyński, Voivod of Poznań, as Starost General of Wielkopolska, after the death of Piotr of Bnin Opaliński, Voivod of Łączno.
30 January 1692
parchment, 880 x 640 mm, Latin, no seal, three apertures where strings used to be
State Archives in Poznań, Antoni Amilkar Kosiński (1769-1823; Kościuszko insurgent, General in Dąbrowski’s Legions, freemason: Warsaw, founding member of a lodge in Poznań) no. 53/5108/0/-/3
The Masons certify that Amilkar Kosinski, Major General, is a member of Freemasonry.
paper, 417 x 306 mm, French, seal affixed on a red silk ribbon in a metal box
State Archives in Poznań, the Korczyński Family (Sas Coat of Arms, Edward Jan Boży: Professor of Medicine at Jagiellonian University, Krakow), no. 53/5107/0/-/1
Francis Joseph, Emperor of Austria, accepts Edward Jan Korczyński, Professor at the Jagiellonian University, as well as his father Antoni and his uncles Alexander and Stanisław into the Austrian knighthood and assigns for them and their descendants the “Sas” Coat of Arms.
25 March 1880
paper, book 280 x 373, German, seal suspended on a string, in a decorative gold-coloured metal box
State Archives in Poznań, Rifle Fraternities of Poznań Province cities no. 53/1159/0/22/44
Augustus II of Saxony, King of Poland … approves the decisions of Władysław Radomicki, heir of Obrzycko and Starost of Mosina, concerning the election of the King of the Rifle Fraternity in Obrzycko.
1 June 1698, Warsaw
paper, 415 x 298 mm, German, wax seal impressed on paper
Seal dies (click to expand)
- Seal dies of royals
- Seal dies of nobles
- Seal dies of officials
- Seal dies of church
- Seal dies of various cities
- Seal dies of the city of Poznań
- Seal dies of the city and the municipals of Leszno
- Seal dies of various offices and institutions
- Seal dies of villages
- Seal dies of city guilds