History written with documents – virtual exhibition based on open-air exposition

plJęzyk polski (kliknij tutaj)

The archival materials, documenting the achievements of generations in the history of the polish nation and state for more than a thousand years, are evidence of the unique role played in society by the state archives, which collect these priceless testimonies of the past.

A unique occasion for their prezentation is the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences, which for the second time in its more
than 100-year history is being held in Poland, this time in Poznań. The State Archives is a partner of this important undertaking and has actively contributed, among other things, to the preparation of interesting events accompanying the Congress. One of them is a prepared open-air exhibition entitled “History in Document”. Its aim is – through the presentation of the oldest documents containing a wealth of knowledge about past – to highlight the special role of the State Archives as a custodian of memory. The exhibition is not only addressed to the participants of this event, but also to all other audiences, both national and international. It features both the oldest and some of the most valuable archival materials stored in the 33 institutions forming the network of Polish State Archives. The exhibition is the result of cooperation between all the institutions mentioned above. After its presentation in Poznań, it will also be shown in other cities. In the first instance, it will be moved to Łódź and will accompany the 8th General Assembly of Archivists planned for September this year. It will have the meaningful motto “Archives – mirrors of time, treasuries of memory”.

The State Archives in Poland, continuously operating as public institutions for over 200 years, fulfil many important functions for the state and its citizens. Their mission is not only to preserve the documentary heritage, but also to make the collected resources available to the widest possible audience. As a result of technological developments and the emergence of new means of communication, new opportunities for fulfilling these tasks are now opening up. In order to address to contemporary challenges and the needs of users is, among others, the nationwide Internet portal www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl was established, which offers all those interested free access to around 14 million descriptions of archival sources and over 53 million digital copies of archival materials stored in the State Archives and in 36 other national and international memory institutions. Each of the State Archives units, irrespective of the size of the entrusted resources, the number of employees or the history spanning centuries, fulfils its statutory obligations to safeguard, in the broad sense of the word, the priceless cultural heritage of Poland and this part of Europe and to promote knowledge about it.

The exhibition entitled. “History in Document” was prepared as part of an internal, nationwide project “Presentation of the network of the Polish State Archives at the 23rd International Congress of Historical Sciences Poznań 2020/2022”, whose leader was the State Archives in Poznań. This project is in line with the mission, vision and goals of the State Archives contained in the “Strategy for the Development of the State Archives for 2021–2030” announced in 2021.

The exhibition will certainly bring the rich history of Polish society and the state, illustrated by unique and often unknown archival documents, closer to all audiences at home and abroad. I am also convinced that it will encourage and effectively invite a wide range of users to make direct or virtual use of the priceless historical sources painstakingly collected and made available in the network of the State Archives.

dr Paweł Pietrzyk

Download the catalog (pdf)

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